Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Finding Help To Stop Snoring

While some people have been able to adjust their sleeping habits in order to find simple ways to alleviate their snoring, other people have tried device after device and life style change after lifestyle change with no end in sight and no results.  Their only choice has been to look for professional help to help them stop snoring.  But, where can one find the kind of help that is needed to stop snoring?
The first step to finding help to stop snoring is to visit your normal health care provider or dentist.  Reasons why people snore come from a myriad of different problems.  You might have a guess as to what your specific problem is but there would be no way of actually proving that you are right and treating yourself in the right way.  By visiting your doctor or your dentist, they can examine your mouth throat and nose and give you a better explanation of why you are snoring.  Once you have a definite reason for your snoring problem, pining down a treatment just got easier.  Your doctor or dentist will be able to suggest the right treatment for you. 
But, sometimes snoring is part of a larger sleep disorder or physical health problem.  One of the treatments that your doctor may suggest is going to a sleep lab to determine why you are snoring.   A sleep laboratory conducts sleep studies to find out what happens to your body while you are sleeping.  The studies will reveal the source of your sleep problems and why you snoring.  The lab looks for several things in a n individual.  Is this person snoring due to sleep apnea?  When someone had sleep apnea they actually stop breathing from anywhere between 10 and 90 seconds and catch their breath with a loud snort or snore.  It is narrow airways or brain signals regulating breathing that causes sleep apnea.  Obviously this is a very dangerous condition that should be monitored closely.  Sleep labs will also look to see if someone is suffering from insomnia.  Insomnia is the label given to the problem of one going to sleep or remaining asleep through the night.  This might be due to depression, discomfort, hunger or even stress.  Narcolepsy is the opposite of insomnia in which the person has problems staying awake.  The person might unexpectedly fall asleep.  Sleep labs will also look for problems such as bed wetting, sleepwalking or night terrors.  Another thing that the lab can diagnose is if the person is suffering from snoring problems due to rotating shifts at work.  Many jobs have their workers rotate between day time shifts and night time shifts that will disrupt their normal sleeping pattern.  This leads to a disorder known as shrift work sleep disorder.  Plus, the sleep lab looks for sleeping problems that are related to repeated muscle twitching of your legs, arms or your feet while you are sleeping.  This condition is known as periodic limb movement disorder.  These twitches might be interrupting the person’s normal sleep cycle making getting a full and restful night sleep impossible which may be leading to the person’s snoring problem.
This article is based on the book, "Silent Sleep Method" by Jeff Roth. Jeff is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated his life to creating the ultimate Chronic Snoring solution guaranteed to permanently stop obnoxious snoring and naturally and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life,  without the use prescription medication and without any surgical procedures. Learn more by visiting his website:

Stop-Snoring Exercise

One of the reasons that people snore is due to the structure of their mouths.  Naturally people breathe through their noses but, while sleeping, some people tend to be open mouth breathers.  Through no fault of their own, snorers can disrupt the tranquility of sleep for themselves and those around them.  Rather then spending money on devices that may or may not work to help them stop snoring, many people have made the wise choice to correct the root of the problem and fix their mouth structures through exercise.
There are several causes of why someone’s structure of their mouths would cause them to snore.  One is that they may have a soft palate.  It is the soft muscle tissue that forms the roof of your mouth.  Too soft of a palate and it will cause the air to vibrate as it passes while sleeping.  Another reason might be that they have narrow airways.  Narrow airways can be caused by swollen tonsils or adenoids in the back of your throat.  The air is vibrated as you breathe once again causing one to snore.  And yet another reason that one’s mouth structure might cause them to snore might be due to your tongue.  If one’s tongue is not attached tightly to the mandible bone, it may cause vibrations that result in snoring as well.    
Several different exercises have been found useful to help strengthen certain areas of the mouth or throat to reduce snoring.  Exercises that singers use to strength their voice can also be use to relieve snoring.  Sing la la la la at the top of your voice making sure to hold each note for at least three seconds.  Repeating this exercise 5 times daily will strengthen your throat and soft palate lessening the vibrations as the air passes during sleep.  You can also try strengthening your tongue by stretching it out as far as you can and hold it there for a few seconds before you relax it.  Then try to touch your chin, hold it a few seconds and then try to touch your nose, once again holding it there for a few seconds.  Repeat this exercise ten times daily.  Plus, try exercising your lower jaw to relieve snoring.  Protrude the lower jaw as far as you can and count to ten.  Relax your jaw then hold your jaw closed with your hands as you try to open it.  Hold this position for the count of ten then repeat the entire exercise.  It has also been found recently that playing woodwind instruments may aid in the efforts to stop snoring. 
General exercise and general weight loss can also improve one’s snoring problem.  It ahs been found that obesity contributes to snoring as well.  Those who are overweight will snore because of the fatty tissue that is on and around their neck partially obstructing the airways and adding pressure to the diaphragm.  Getting into a regular exercise routine is not only beneficial to reduce snoring it is beneficial to the overall health of the person. 

This article is based on the book, "Silent Sleep Method" by Jeff Roth. Jeff is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated his life to creating the ultimate Chronic Snoring solution guaranteed to permanently stop obnoxious snoring and naturally and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life,  without the use prescription medication and without any surgical procedures. Learn more by visiting his website:

The Best Stop Snoring Remedy

It is hard to label one specific stop snoring method, device or remedy as the best one since there are so many different reasons why people snore and many different ways to relieve the problem.  Rather then asking what is the best stop snoring remedy it might be better to ask what is the right stop snoring remedy for you.
Some people have relieved or eliminated their snoring problems by simply changing their life style to combat the problem.  Simply changing the position in which one sleeps may be all that is needed.  Moving from your back onto your side may help to alleviate snoring.  You might want to try buying a new mattress or pillow which will supply better essential support for your head and neck to alleviate snoring.  Losing body weight has been proven to relieve snoring.  Riding your body of pressure causing fat around the throat and the diaphragm will reduce the snoring that one produces in sleep.

Quitting smoking which impairs breathing will make you snore less as well.  Minimize alcohol before bed time.  The alcohol relaxes your tongue and your breathing passages causing your to snore.  Plus, some people have found that by eliminating the amount of dairy that they eat, they were able to relieve some of the congestion that they normally suffer from and reduce the amount that they snore.  And although yogurt is a dairy product, by adding more yogurts into one’s diet helps to bust their immune system which will reduce sickness and congestion as well.
Some people have found that by using simple over the counter devices have helped them alleviate their snoring problems as well.  Using a nasal spray offers instant relief from nasal congestion that causes ones airway to be obstructed leading to snoring.  Buying over the counter nasal strips is an easy way to open air passageways allowing you to breathe easier without snoring.  Purchasing a humidifier or a vaporizer that emits steam and fragrance into the air will also help to alleviate congestion and minimize snoring. 
While some have easily seen benefits to their snoring with simple life changes or simple over the counter purchases, other people have had to be a little bit more aggressive in their quest to stop their snoring problems.  Some people have turned to purchasing devices to help them stop snoring.  One such device is a chin strap.  The chin strap forces them to keep their mouth closed while they sleep forcing them to breathe through their nose and eliminate snoring.  Others have found that using an oral device to help them realign their mouth and support their mouth structures have led them to a blissful night sleep.  And some sufferers have found that their only alternative to relieve their snoring has only come through surgery.  Surgery to remove the soft tissue that obstructs ones airways such as tonsils or adenoids have improved snoring in many people.  Some have even had their soft palates or tongues repositioned to clear obstructions making one breathe easier and snore less.

This article is based on the book, "Silent Sleep Method" by Jeff Roth. Jeff is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated his life to creating the ultimate Chronic Snoring solution guaranteed to permanently stop obnoxious snoring and naturally and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life,  without the use prescription medication and without any surgical procedures. Learn more by visiting his website: 


Stop Snoring Information

For someone who snores and those around them, snoring is a problem.  Not everyone snores on a regular basis but, most likely, everyone has snored at least once in their lives due to a cold or congestion.  Being the snorer or partner that has to spend their nights sleeping next to a snorer, it is understandable why they would like to understand what it is that make people snore and how to stop it. 
Many different things make people snore.  One reason that people tend to snore is because their nasal airways are obstructed.  Obstructed airways can be the result of allergies, colds or a sinus infection.  It can also be due to physical deformities like nasal polyps or a deviated septum.  A deviated septum is a structural change in the thin wall in your nose that separates one nostril from the other.  
Other people might snore due to their throat or their tongue.  One of these structures might become too relaxed then collapse and gall back into your airway causing you to snore.  Another way that anatomy might determine whether you are a snorer or not, has to do with the palate of your mouth.  The palate is the tissue that forms the roof of your mouth.  If it is too long or soft, it might be making the opening from the nose to the throat narrower causing snoring.  The snoring sound comes from the air causing vibrations within the mouth, nose or throat.  Because of these structural problems, the airflow is causing the tissue to vibrate and the result is the snoring sound. 
But is snoring really that harmful to your body?  Well, if it is causing one to not get a full night’s sleep, it might be.  Snoring is a direct result of a breathing problem.  Breathing problems can lead to sleep deprivation for the snorer or their partner.  Sleep deprivation or not getting enough sleep can lead to not only drowsiness during the day but clumsiness, overall fatigue and weight loss.  Prolonged sleep deprivation can cause headaches, dry mouth or even hallucinations.  It can make you nauseous, dizzy or irritable.  Prolonged sleep deprivation can also cause you to have memory loss or lapse.  Plus it can lead to other physical problems like weight gain or obesity, muscle aches or it could put you at risk for high blood pressure, diabetes, or fibromyalgia.  In extreme cases psychosis has been seen or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Due to the high risk of health problems that can be seen die to interrupted sleep, it is important to take snoring seriously.  If you are constantly waking up during the night, I might be your snoring that is the cause.  It can be hard to detect since the second the snorer wakes up, obviously, the snoring stops.  Ignoring this problem will not make it go away.  It might be in your best interest to see your doctor or dentist to help you to diagnose the reason why you might be snoring.  You might also want to visit a sleep clinic that might not only diagnose the reason why you snore but also diagnose any other related health problems that you might be suffering from due to your snoring or that might be the reason for your snoring. 

This article is based on the book, "Silent Sleep Method" by Jeff Roth. Jeff is an author, researcher, nutritionist and health consultant who dedicated his life to creating the ultimate Chronic Snoring solution guaranteed to permanently stop obnoxious snoring and naturally and dramatically improve the overall quality of your life,  without the use prescription medication and without any surgical procedures. Learn more by visiting his website:
